The New Ludwig Throw-off Retroplate®

Tired of tying knots only to have them slip and loosen up on you while attempt to execute your drumming skills?  This is the Retroplate® to use in replacing those tired, outdated Ludwig throw-offs, including that revamped Atlas throw-off which just the same old, tired thing with a newer look. With it’s centerbead acommodating design, this part allows you to use a more modern, up to date throw-off with a classic Ludwig snare drum.  All necessary hardware is included and installation is as simple as changing a drum head!

$39.95 shipped to any address in the United States, including Alaska, Hawaii and U.S. Territories.  Sold individually


International customers; please contact us for your low price. Email

To see the ease of assembly or to assemble your newly acquired Retroplate, simply click or tap


to watch the assembly video!

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