A timeless classic, the Ludwig Chrome over Brass Supraphonic has made a huge resurgence in the lass two decades! And so has its weakness; the factory P-85 throw-off. Ludwig has tried in vain to offer an alternative to the P-85 by offering the P-86 which is very unreliable. It simply just needs to be ditched in favor of the most reliable throw-off ever offered!
The LT series Retrokit™ utilizes a Retroplate™ which allows the drummer to mount a Trick GS007 throw-off to ANY Ludwig Chrome over Brass snare drum which has the P83, P-85 or P-86 factory throw-off, accommodating the shell’s center bead thus allowing the drummer to take full advantage of today’s (and tomorrow’s) best throw-off!

The bump jumping Retrokit for replacing those outdated Ludwig throw-offs.